
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dada Krtashivananda

Dada Krtashivananda dedicated his life to Prout. He began as a full-time Prout organizer in India. During the State of Emergency, he helped to lead the underground resistance to the Indira Gandhi dictatorship. When the Emergency ended, he went to Europe where he worked closely with Dada Tadbhavananda in the Proutist Universal Central Office in Copenhagen, Denmark.

He composed some devotional songs when he first went to Europe. In the year 2000, Brothers Vasudeva, Sukhadeva, Didi Ananda Guna'mrta' and other artists from Harmonia Studio in Oslo, Norway collectively produced a CD with ten of his devotional songs titled "Echo of My Soul." His songs included, "Greatest of all in this universe / Thy name, Oh Guru" and "You are pulling me, my Lord".

He published several books including Prout Manifesto, The Great Advent, Developmental Planning, Bengal in Search of Revolution, and Prout, Humanistic Socialism, Economic Democracy. His articles were published in Prout Globe, Notun Prithivii, and PROUT from Delhi

He passed away in his apartment in Ulm, Germany, on September 10, 2017 at the age of 80.


A'c Prabuddhananda Avadhuta writes from Taiwan:

I knew Dada Krtashiva'nanda very well. In 1980 I was posted as Chief Secretary Proutist Universal (C.S.PU), Hong Kong Sector, and from then on I worked closely with him. He visited Taiwan a few times as Secretary General of Pruotist Universal (SGPU).He visited Taiwan earlier in 1979 when Baba visited Taiwan. He conducted many classes on spiritual and social philosophy. It was always inspiring to experience his presentations. He conducted a few important meetings with the officials of the World Anti-Communist League and the Asian Youth Anti-Communist League. They were inspired to know that the Progressive Utilization Theory by Shrii P.R.Sarkar was an alternative to both communism and capitalism.

Later, I spent time with him in Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere. He traveled around the Globe to spread the Mission A'nanda Ma'rga and Proutist Universal, including in Africa, Europe, the United States, South America, and in Maharlika (Philippines).

He was a revolutionary personality. He was an eminent scholar, writer and founding member of the Prout Researsh Institute, and a member of the Central Committee of AMPS for several years.

He used to love to paint, and he wrote many poems and stories, too.

He underwent a triple bypass heart surgery in Germany in 1995.


  1. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Da'da'jii was wonderful person and great Sadhaka. He touch many people's heart and their life. He will be missed.
    Rest in peace, My Dearest Da'da'jii.
    In Him
    Didi Ananda Gunamrta

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    So many memories pass through my mind when I think of Da'da' - his impact on my life has been immeasurable from even before I've met him as a new Margi on my way to WT TC in 1991 and will continue for as long as I live. I am very grateful for the chances to experience him not only as a serious, sharp, deep thinker & great orator (anything BUT "dry"!) but also as a very polite, kind and loving person who did not shy away from exposing his sweet, gentle side before a very junior co-worker, and a female at that. It was a wonderful opportunity to take care of Da'da' when he was recovering from his heart-surgery in 1995 and onward and benefit from all the extra time and attention he was willing and able to share then. The stories of Indian & world history, culture, politics... in general, and Ba'ba', Organization and his own life in particular enriched me, and the love he at times shared with me or I witnessed being given to others by him moved me very deeply. Most of all I miss the spiritual bliss I could then easily reach while understanding many of Da'da's words and recognizing them within my own heart and mind. My Ba'ba' so often felt so very near due to Da'da's inspiration and I am forever thankful for that. His booklet "The Great Advent" about Ba'ba's contribution to the world is a precious gem - Da'da' wrote & printed it with a sense of great importance and urgency, in spite of he himself being shattered by the news of Gurudeva's sudden physical departure. Although it is not the usual "Ba'ba'-story" kind of a book I find it to be one of the most devotional treatises ever, drenched in love, admiration, service & sacrifice of the devotee for his Lord. May many others read and enjoy it like that too - I hope it can be reprinted soon. It is still hard to believe I'll never again hear Da'da's voice or look into his dear eyes and I miss him a lot. I hope his soul, like he always taught us, merged with the Universal Soul... By His Grace, Didi A'nanda Arpan'a'

  3. Many years ago, maybe in the year 1983 or so, 5 people including Dada Krtashivananda Jii and another very young avadhuta, went to a village some 50 kilometers from Copenhagen, We were going in the dead of nigth to do sadhana at the cemetery there. We arrived at the place, parked the car and searched for the place but to no avail, we could simply not find it and it was a very big cemetery so we were baffled how we could not find it. After searching for half an hour we went back to Copenhagen. Next day we went again to that village, we parked the car in the exact same spot, looked for the cemetery for a minute or two and there were cemetery all over the place. What a mystery! Anyway we went inside, Dada Krtashviananda Jii pointed on a grave and told me to sit there, which I did, I started my meditation and after a few minutes I could hear some rattling sound further inside the cemetery, at that moment something very peculiar and beautiful happened. Remember this was in the dead of night past midnight and it was very calm and silent. The birds in the area started singing exactly like when the sun is rising, the frogs in the area also started croaking in a very happy mood. All of a sudden the cemetery teamed with life. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life, and a very peculiar too. But our story do not end with this, Shen we finished our sadhana, we went back to Copenhagen, Now it was very late, and the driver fell asleep at the wheel, one margii started screaming for Baba thinking his life would end now, Dada Krtashivananda Jii was completely silent and like a rock, I also was silent, I pushed the driver and he woke up and took control over the car that was shaking from side to side and was aiming at an hill. He finally got hold of the car and it stopped just a meter or two away from that hill. If we would have hit the hill we would have a serious accident. A women from a car that was driving right behind us, came running to us and yelled if we were ok, she said that she saw the car jumping on the road like a big invisible hand was shaking it from side to side. We did not trust that margii to drive again, so I took over the steering wheel although at that time I did not have a driver license, I had some experience driving cars anyway, so that we decided. When we arrived at Copenhagen in about 4 o'clock in the morning, unfortunately the police was searching some criminals and had blocked the road, they stopped us and asked for my driver license which I did not have, they kindly asked us to shift the driver with one with a license. Dada Jii was sitting next to me with his hand on a sack with the kapalika paraphernalia, which would have caused tremendous problems if found by the police. I will never forget his face at that moment, every time I remember this situation I laugh uncontrollably, My Goodness :-). Anyway we arrived home safely protected by the hands of our Master Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Jii.

    Kind Regards

  4. I have another story that is very strange. It maybe not fit to be published, but this is exactly what happened.

    In Copenhagen in about 1981 or 1982 or so,Dada Krtashivananda Jii let me join him in going to Kapalika sadhana in a cemetery a short distance from the Jagrtii, about 15 minutes walk away. At that time the Jagrtii was located another place, in the center of Copenhagen, Store Kongensgade. When we arrived at the cemetery we had to climb a fence about two meters high to enter the graveyard. After climbing the fence we went inside the cemetery and again Dada Jii pointed on a grave and asked me to do sadhana sitting on that grave. Which I did, after building up my concentration my meditation started. I was deeply concentrated and soon some very big, very ugly faces started streaming into my mind (it was like witches and demoniacal faces). At first I was a little concerned about what this could be, but soon I relaxed and thousands and thousands of very ugly, big scary faces streamed into my mind, all the faces were different, I saw so many different faces, I do not really know how to express what happened in that meditation, but I was completely absorbed in the meditation, holding the feet of Baba all along. So after what seemed to be a short while, I started to think to end this meditation, which I did and lo and behold when I opened my eyes, turning my head looking over my shoulder, Dada Krtashivananda was patiently or maybe actually very impatiently :-) waiting for me to end my meditation, anyway he did obviously not want to disturb me to end my meditation, which at that time had become very long. I finished Guru Puja and we went homeward. When I was standing up I had some very peculiar sensations, I was struggling to keep my feet on the ground, I truly had difficulty to reach the ground with my feet. I was having the sensation of floating in the air. After climbing the wall or fence the sensation carried on. It was only when we passed 3 persons at Østerport Station, that the strangeness of the situation occurred to me. These 3 people got very exited by the sight of us, saying very loudly “Hey look, see there, what is that” and I was still having difficulty walking since I had to do a conscious effort to put my feet on the ground at every step I was walking. It only then occurred to me that really maybe something strange had happened to me and indeed I was kind of floating in the air. I looked at Dada Krtashivananda Jii but he calmly continued walking with a small smile on his face. A few minutes later we even passed another Kapalika with a vermilion mark on his face, Dada and the person greeted each other, but I do not know who that person was, I have never seen him before that and never since, he was surely not a margii, at least not one we knew about amongst the Copenhagen margies. We arrived home and I went to sleep. I treasure this memory of the Great Dada Krtashivananda Jii in this mysterious night, the feeling of mysticism was so strong when I was around him. A truly Great Mystic and Sadhaka!

    Kind Regards
