
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dada Haratmananda

      With a heavy heart, we share the news that Dada Haratmanandaji left this world at about 5 PM on  May 9th 2020. Dada had been courageously fighting kidney disease and diabetes for many years, but on May 8th, during a dialysis treatment, he had a serious heart attack which he couldn’t recover from.  Dada was almost 70 years old at the time of his passing.  
    An ardent missionary of Ananda Marga, Dada was posted in a number of countries, bringing great energy and creativity to Pracar, RAWA, and RU. He was posted as the Sectorial Secretary in NY Sector beginning in 1983 and continuing into the early 1990s. Dada was instrumental in establishing the Sectorial Office in New York City, the Master Unit in Asheville, and bringing a number of new approaches to our work in the sector.  In the mid-1990’s, Dada was posted to work in India, where his RAWA dramas and RU lectures and writings, along with artistic DMS backdrops, were greatly appreciated.   

Here is a story of Dada's experience in South America: 

    "I received news that Ba'ba' would visit Buenos Aires in South America. So I went there to prepare for His arrival. 
    After only a few days we received news that the Argentinean government refused to give a visa to Ba'ba', so He would only visit Venezuela in South America. All the Margis were disappointed. An air ticket to Caracas cost US$500, but though I asked all the Margis, I could not get donations to pay for the ticket. One Margii, Janak, agreed to go to Caracas but he had no extra money. 
    After three days of frantic searching, I received a phone call from Dada Jagadiishvarananda. He had arrived in Caracas with Ba'ba' and he asked when I was coming. I had no way to go, so all I could do was cry on the phone. Then I went to my room and locked the door and cried. 
Suddenly a knock came on the door. I opened it and found a brother I had not met before. He said his name was Iishvara and he wanted to donate US$500. 
    I got nervous. I thought he probably did not know that Baba's trip to Argentina was canceled. When I told him, he still said he wanted to donate this money. 
    I got more nervous. He probably wanted to give the amount for some specific purpose. Still, I felt I had to try. So I asked, "Brother, would you mind if I used this money to fly to Venezuela to meet Ba'ba'?
"Dada, this donation is for you. Use it as you like."
    I thanked him with all my heart and ran to buy a ticket. The airlines told me there was no seat, but I could try to go "stand-by" at the airport Then I rushed to the Venezuelan embassy to get a visa.
The Secretary told me that as India and Venezuela had no diplomatic relations, it would take a week to get a visa. I pleaded that I only need permission for three days to see my Guru. Finally, she agreed to ask her chief. She returned smiling and said: "Welcome to Venezuela" My passport had a visa valid for three days. 
    I raced to the airport to meet Janak. He had a confirmed ticket, but I did not. The airline staff told me that if a confirmed passenger did not show up, then they could give me that seat thirty minutes before the departure time. 
    One passenger did not come, so they gave me a boarding pass. Then the passenger came running in late. I did not even look at him, but turned and hurried to catch the plane. 
    When we arrived in Caracas, we took a taxi to the house where Baba was staying. Dada Ramananda met me when I came in the door and said: "Baba is waiting for you in His room. He said I should send you in the moment you arrive". I thought this was very strange because I had not told anyone I was coming. 
    I was so happy when I saw Baba, and He was very sweet. "Come close, my little boy, come close. Jagadiishvarananda told me in the morning that you were crying on the phone. I felt very sorry because my little guardian is not here and I am in his sector. He loves me very much. If he cannot come it is very painful.
    I thought I should do something for you. I did not do it. How did you get the money to come here? Did God give it to you?"
    "One Margii gave me a donation, Baba."
    "And what was the name of that Margii?"
    "It was Iishvara, Baba"
    "Yes, Iishvara, which means God in Sam'skrta. Yes. It was not much but it was enough to buy your ticket."
    "Yes, Baba.
    "And the lady at the counter in the Venezuelan Embassy - it was not me - did she help you or not?"
    "Yes, Baba."
    "I had to do so much to help. You were just about to lose your seat. Wasn't it very good that the last passenger came to the airport just one minute too late?"
   "'Yes, Baba". I started to cry, as I realized how much Baba had helped me.
    "I was really in Argentina, working for you until you got the seat. Then I came back to Venezuela. 
Now tell me something. Why did I help you when I didn't help all the others? Is it because I love you more, or is it because you love me more?"
    This was a very tricky question. I know I loved Baba, bit I did not think I loved Him more than other Margiis. Before I could answer, though, Baba said, "Now remember, Parama Purus'a loves all equally."
This made me even more confused. I dd not know what to answer. Finally, I just said, "I don't know, Baba."
    Then He said, "You and they love me equally. The reason I helped you when I didn't help the others was that you love me and you made an effort. You are doing your level best, working hard. The person who is working for my Mission, I must help".
    I continued crying, deeply grateful for what He had shown me. 

1 comment:

  1. Heartfelt condolences. Aum Shánti Shánti Shántih.

    Ac Snigdhánanda Avt
