
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Om Prakash, Buenos Aires, Argentina

We report with regret that our brother Omprakash from Buenos Aires, left his physical body on June 18. He was one of the founders of Ananda Marga of Argentina in the early 1970s, and he remained active until very recently, while his physical strength allowed.

Omprakash participated in many projects, he held virtually all positions of responsibility, worked tirelessly and ceaselessly to develop Ananda Marga in Buenos Aires and the rest of the country. Besides his work for the organization, he was always noted for his personal conduct, both socially and spiritually, an example and a benchmark for most people who knew him over many years of trajectory.

He never ceased to participate in all collective spiritual activities, attending promptly to Dharmacakras and Retreats, as his body would allow, despite his advanced age, becoming in this way the oldest active margii in Argentina. We invite all the units and centers of Ananda Marga observe a minute of silence after the next Dharmacakra as a sign of respect and gratitude to the memory of an individual so prominent and beloved of our community.

Thank you. Namaskar

Ananda Marga Argentina


In the 1990s someone told me about the organization Ananda Marga. I wanted to learn how to "manage my energy" to help me donate a kidney to one of my sisters.

The jagrtii was located in a pretty dark place, and it was 7 pm when I arrived. The door was opened by a tall gentleman with white hair, dressed all in white, who instilled in me absolute peace. It was Omprakash.

He invited me in and started telling me about the 16 points and the philosophy of Bábá. He spoke for almost an hour, and as the time passed he made me feel very calm and happy. I knew I had reached my real home. Thank you, Omprakash, for welcoming me to this path.

Sukrti, Buenos Aires


My dear brother Omprakash left; I was present at the last moment of his departure. Omprakash was one of the first margiis of Argentina, in the 70s, when the Yoga Association the Path of Bliss, the legal name given to Ananda Marga in our country, was founded. To him we owe knowing Ananda Marga because Omprakash, along with the first margiis were pioneers in spreading this wonderful path in Argentina. That gave me and many others the greatest happiness: to experience God through meditation and find true peace in this life. While many have come and gone many times, either because of disagreements or family reasons, or going away from the path, Omprakash never stopped to participate and attend dharmacakras and retreats, during all the years of his life as a margii until the very last day, he would come to Ananda Marga.

His perseverance and spiritual strength are to be remembered. When one falters on the spiritual path one should remember this Yogi. Omprakash, although sometimes he did not agree 100% with some margiis and with what was happening in Ananda Marga, still he would come regularly to the collective meditation and participated in the activities. Omprakash was , an example of perseverance, he would be moving forward, even if the world was not the way he wanted it to be. If one day he would argue with someone , he still would come as usual and say hello and speak cheerfully.

I remember that he used to sit in meditation, and meditated for a long time. One day I told to a margii "Omprakash meditates almost three hours." He said "I do not know if when he sits down to meditate, he really does it“. The time passed and that margii who criticized Omprakash left the organization, but Omprakash remained working in the organization. So it looks like the one that did not meditate well was that other margii. Because when meditation is well done, it gives patience, perseverance, effort and faith. Omprakash was all that and that faith was what always kept him in the path. Since the 70s until his last days he was firm in Ananda Marga.

Together with Omprakash I translated the Study Guide of Prout, the one that nowadays many Spanish speaking margiis read to study PROUT. W​e also did various pracar programs on PROUT in universities, we were in social demonstrations and many other activities, disseminating the social and spiritual philosophy of our Guru. “”Omprakash: how much work we did together! What an honor for me to have worked with you, brother”.

His daughter told me that after the last surgical intervention he underwent, when he woke up, he said "Take a sheet of paper and pen, I want you to write something," and he said "It's beautiful, it's wonderful, it's perfect". He had been with God during surgery, his face was pure joy and peace, he had experienced samadhi during intervention. The family told me that today (June 18, day of departure) after the margiis sang kiirtan and meditated, he felt more at peace. I arrived forty minutes after all margiis and Dada left the place; after half our Omprakash passes away, I was the last one to say goodbye.

Today, after seeing him, I can assure you that he is with our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii. He departed in a cheerful, happy, and peaceful mood. I saw his eyes getting closed and I heard him giving his last breath in this world. I saw a great human being leave with his Guru. Omprakash, thanks for sharing such a beautiful moment. Remember: when you falter in your practice or want to leave the path, remember Omprakash. He was a Yogi who never left the ship. Follow that example of perseverance and have faith.

Rainjan, Buenos Aires, Argentina


I met Omprakash in Buenos Aires in 1982, when I just entered to Ananda Marga and he was already a prominent and known margii within and outside the country. At that time he was Bhukti Pradan and his office was in the neighborhood of Almagro Jagrti in the geographic center of the city. In that jagrti I contacted Ananda Marga for first time. Soon I realized the importance and greatness of that tall, strong, thin, deep look man, who was actively present in virtually all activities and projects, large and small, of the organization. Soon we established an affectionate relationship, beyond the nearly thirty year’s gap between us.

That time was one very active in Ananda Marga in Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires. With four active sites within the city, lots of acaryas moving permanently, projects and groups in various parts of the country, retreats, service activities, one LFT training center, pracar programs, trips to India, the start of Prabhat Samgiit composition, the Neohumanism, and above all things the ineffable physical presence of Bábá, personally guiding the organization. And in all that incessant movement always resonated the Omprakash name.

Time passed, many things changed, many of us came and went, many peaks and valleys occurred in people and organization, but the name of Omprakash remain always ringing at all times, good and not so good. Many notable things could be said about him, but for me, after so many years and so many events, the most brilliant aspect of his life and his personality was his unwavering commitment to the mission of Bábá and his exemplary conduct at all times and all circumstances. I am glad to have met him and I do not feel sadness for his physical departure, only nostalgia. He lived fully and left this world feeling happiness and peace. His example will continue inspiring me for the rest of my life.

Jyotirmaya, Córdoba, Argentina

1 comment:

  1. I knew Om Prakash from 1976 when I was working in Argentina, he was a joy of a personality, strong and cheerful. We had many wonderful moments during his visits for DC. His enthusiasm was contagious and his energy intense. A true yogi upright and very disciplined. He touched my shoulder during a retreat in Porto Alegre, and his touch remained in my shoulder for many hours afterwards. The power of his sadhana was evident. Mukt'atm'ananda
